The word of mouth Manual - Volume II

Portada del eBookAutor Dave Balter
Año 2008
Idioma English
Páginas 119

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The Word of Mouth Manual: Volume II is split into three enlightening, funny sections, all working together to prove that WOM is one of the most powerful marketing mediums on the planet. Check them out:

- Part I: What You Should Know (in Theory) takes a look at what's new with word of mouth
- Part II: What You Probably Know Already (Unless You Don't) answers the questions, doubts and criticisms from organized word of mouth's early formation
- Part III: What You Must Know (in Practice) discusses the necessities of practicing this communications phenomenon

Dave's book is full of facts, stories and insights about word of mouth and the industry that's been built around it. His insider's look helps show that while WOM may be a medium that can't be forced, fabricated or created, it certainly can be managed, understood and enjoyed by all!
