Autor Chris Anderson
Año 2009
Idioma English
Páginas 207 (Versión abreviada)
Author Chris Anderson makes the compelling case that in many instances, businesses can profit more from giving things away than they can by charging for them. Traditional economics operates under fundamental assumptions of scarcity -there's only so much oil, iron, and gold in the world. But the online economy is built upon three cornerstones: processing power, hard drive storage, and bandwidth- and the costs of all these elements are trending toward zero at an incredible rate.
Never in the course of human history have the primary inputs to an industrial economy fallen in price so fast and for so long. This is the engine behind the new Free, the one that goes beyond a marketing gimmick or a cross-subsidy. Anderson explores this radical idea for the new economy, and demonstrates how this revolutionary price can be harnessed for the benefit of both consumers and business alike.
Este ebook y audiobook fue compartido por Alexandre Saiz, gracias ;)
Año 2009
Idioma English
Páginas 207 (Versión abreviada)
Descargar aquí
(También disponible en audiobook. Descargar aquí)Author Chris Anderson makes the compelling case that in many instances, businesses can profit more from giving things away than they can by charging for them. Traditional economics operates under fundamental assumptions of scarcity -there's only so much oil, iron, and gold in the world. But the online economy is built upon three cornerstones: processing power, hard drive storage, and bandwidth- and the costs of all these elements are trending toward zero at an incredible rate.
Never in the course of human history have the primary inputs to an industrial economy fallen in price so fast and for so long. This is the engine behind the new Free, the one that goes beyond a marketing gimmick or a cross-subsidy. Anderson explores this radical idea for the new economy, and demonstrates how this revolutionary price can be harnessed for the benefit of both consumers and business alike.
Este ebook y audiobook fue compartido por Alexandre Saiz, gracias ;)
intento bajar el libro y me dice que su descarga está "geográficamente restringida"... :(
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Hola Luciano, yo he podido descargarlo sin problemas, la verdad es que desconozco el problema que citas, para descargarlo lo único que necesitas es una cuenta en Scribd y hacer click sobre el enlace correspondiente.
ResponderEliminarUn saludo ;)
Luciano, Javier quizás tiene algun tipo de filtro y scribd cree que javier esta en usa.
ResponderEliminarel libro solo puede descargarse en usa.
si me mandas un correo, te lo mando en pdf.
Hola Alexandre, por el momento estoy en España, EEUU me queda un poco lejos, jeje intentaré solucionarlo subiéndolo a si la licencia me lo permite
ResponderEliminarUn saludo ;)
Muchísimas gracias!!!