Autora Amber Naslund
Año 2009
Idioma English
Páginas 16
Several times a day, I hear folks asking about how to get started with all this social media stuff.
What tools they need, what sites they should look at so as not to get overwhelmed. This is the nuts and bolts stuff, not so much the "why" (we'll cover that more in depth in the next ebook). This is individually focused, but many of the same things can apply in a business context if you use your business goals as a guide.
Este ebook fue compartido por Javier Varela, gracias ;)
Año 2009
Idioma English
Páginas 16
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Several times a day, I hear folks asking about how to get started with all this social media stuff.
What tools they need, what sites they should look at so as not to get overwhelmed. This is the nuts and bolts stuff, not so much the "why" (we'll cover that more in depth in the next ebook). This is individually focused, but many of the same things can apply in a business context if you use your business goals as a guide.
Este ebook fue compartido por Javier Varela, gracias ;)
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