A Concise Guide to Archiving for Designers

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Portada del eBookAutor Karin van der Heiden
Año 2008
Idioma English
Páginas 13
+info http://www.aiga.org/

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The guide provides designers with the proper ways to store and describe their collections in 10 short chapters. Archiving is not the same as keeping. It is about identifying items of lasting value. Consider what can contribute towards a representative overview. This includes not only the pieces that document the design process, but also other material that gives insight into the work (or life) of a designer or a studio.


  1. Disponible también en español http://www.dhub-bcn.cat/es/dhubdoc/Breve-guia-de-archivo-para-disenadores y catalán http://www.dhub-bcn.cat/dhubdoc/Breu-guia-d-arxivament-per-a-dissenyadors


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